Sunday, August 31, 2014

Zane and Degge

Ms DR organised for Zane and Degge to visit our Whetu Time today.
They are brothers who busk together. They talked to us about perseverance and how it is important to never giving up on learning new things.
We really enjoyed watching them juggle and do tricks. Zane and Degge said it has taken hours of practice to get good at their performance.
Sophie was chosen to be an assistant on the stage.
They gave her 8 juggling skittles to hold. The skittles were very slippery!
Sophie did an amazing job of throwing the skittles at Zane and Degge so that they could catch them and juggle with them.
Here is Sophie taking her well deserved bow.
We especially liked it when they juggled on their unicycles.
Thank you Ms DR.


Happy Spring...
Thank you Amelia and Bella for these beautiful daffodils for our classroom!
Happy Ripper Rugby results...
Congratulations Harrison on getting player of the season!
 Happy Football results...
Congratulations Oscar on getting player of the day!
 We are very proud of these kind acts and wonderful sports results

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Dads' Breakfast

Thank you to all those wonderful Dads and Grandads that came to our breakfast today!
The teachers and office staff really enjoyed cooking breakfast for you!
We hope you liked your sausages, eggs and bacon!
 It was great to have so many of our Dads together to enjoy the celebrations. Here is Liesl and her Dad Paul.
Artu and Bernardo had great fun together.
 Here are the Room 1 Dads playing soccer. Gee the competition was fierce!
It was great that the Dads could visit Room 1 and see all our work and activities.
There are more photos in the children's writing books.
A special thank you to Natasha  and Darren for their extra help, which was really appreciated by the teachers.
Thank you all for your support!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Canterbury Cricket

This morning we had a visit from 2 of the Canterbury Cricket coaches.
 Brooke and Matt came to teach us how to catch a cricket ball.
 First they showed us how to glue our little fingers together.
 Next we had to trap it in our hands.
 The last step was to hug it to our bodies.
We have got really good at keeping our eyes on the ball.
 We practised our skills in a game of SMASH!
Thank you Canterbury Cricket for the poster and bag!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Lava Lamp Experiment

We are really enjoying our work in Science and we wanted to share our recent experiment with you. We could try it at home!
Experiment #3 -Lava Lamp
You need:
*a clear drinking glass or jar
*1/4 cup of cooking oil
*3/4 cup of water
*1 teaspoon of food colouring
*1 teaspoon of salt 
Step 1: Measure water
Step 2. Place water into the jar.
Step 3. Add the oil to the jar.
The oil will float on top.
The oil is lighter that the water.
Step 4. Add the food colouring. We found that the red colour worked the best.
Step 5. Add the salt.
The salt pushes the oil down and then it bubbles back up to the top.
We tried the experiment again with blue food colouring.
When we mixed the colours it turned purple which made the bubbles hard to see.
Next week we are starting our Super Scientist groups.
Keep a look out!

The Wonderful Room 18

Thank you to the amazing children in Room 18 who organised our 'Bounceathon.'
They have bought us 4 sets of headphones and 4 MP3 players.
Room 18 has selected some baroque music for us to listen to when we feel that we would like some quiet time. 
Room 18's research into baroque music was part of their Inquiry on "How do we learn to learn?" Baroque music can help children to concentrate in class.
We will tell you how we go Room 18!
P.S. Thanks Miss Shah.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Pic Collage fun!

This week we started exploring the app 'Pic Collage.' It is a great way of combining photos, pictures and text. We can even listen to the text that we have typed!
Here we are with our Room 19 buddies. They showed us how to find the app and then we chose one of the templates to experiment with.
Pic Collage is easy to use because we can drag the pictures and text around the screen very easily.
A keypad comes up so that we can record our ideas. Next week our buddies are going to help us with using the space bar and full stops!
Here is the work Sophie put together with Penny.
Cameron enjoyed showing Mia how to import pictures.
Alan and Riley tried a variety of back grounds before settling on this one.
Harrison and Colin tried out all the different 'stickers' to add to Harrison's photo.
We are keen to try out some of these Pic Collage features during our story writing sessions this week! 

Sunday, August 3, 2014

A New wonderful!

This morning Artu announced exciting news. His family have welcomed a baby boy to their family! Below is Artu sharing a photo of himself cuddling his new brother. 
Congratulations to Julie, Bernardo, Arthur, Turi and their extended family overseas.
We are delighted for you all!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Harry, Jacob and the NED Show!

Greetings! What a beautiful week of weather...we have loved getting outside to play in the sunshine.
Look at this clever boy writing some of his early words!
Harry and Jacob had great fun putting together Harry's pirate puzzle.
What great team work!
We really enjoyed having Gary share the NED programme with us last Friday.
He came to talk to us about our attitude to learning new things.
He was amazing at performing tricks with his fancy yoyo. As he performed his tricks he told us a story about NED.
Oliver, Amelia, Liesl and Alara are giving a smile to show that they want to work really hard on setting goals for their learning.
Gary asked us all to think about the importance of never giving up even when we make mistakes.
Mia's big sister Saya talked to us about how she keeps trying even when new things are tricky.
Dylan won a fancy balloon crown for sharing his ideas about how he has set some goals for his maths progress.
NED stands for:
Never give up
Encourage others and
Do your best!
Thanks for visiting our school Gary.