Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Southern Centre

Room 1 visited the Southern Centre at the Pioneer Swimming Pool complex.
We went into a special room where we had to take off our shoes. It was very dark inside and we really liked the special lights.
We used our different senses to try out the activities.
 Matthew watched the balls as they dived up and down in the bubbles.
 Our shadows made patterns in pink, blue and yellow designs.
 When we talked into the microphone our voices sounded like chipmunks.
 Samantha played us a rhythm on the drums. She was very loud!
 We liked looking at the photos projected onto pieces of material.
 These girls experimented with making all kinds of different musical sounds.
 The memory bed had a special blanket with beans inside it. The blanket was very heavy. When we got out of the bed the mattress kept the shape of our bodies.
 Shoka listened to her voice coming through the speakers as a echo.
 The air blower blew balls and scarves high up into the air.
Dylan enjoyed rolling around the room!
Sophie and Ronan tried out the slip and slide.
 Luciano and Bobby has fun bumping the balls into each other.

At the end of the sessions we listened to music and watched the mirror ball shining on the ceiling.
We would like to visit the centre again one day.