Thursday, April 17, 2014

Happy Easter!

We wish all the Room 1 whanau a very happy Easter and a relaxing holiday.
Have fun with all your holiday reading books!
 Here is Seth with his Easter bunny for his family.
 Gosh Room 1 giggled and giggled when they had their feet painted. What a wonderful sound!
We hope you all enjoy your Easter treats.
Stay safe and see you next term!

Ahoy Me Hearties...

Listen in....last Wednesday ferocious pirates stormed Room 1 and took over the class.
 Instead of doing their maths all they wanted to do was look for treasure around the school and sing pirate songs.
 They weren't keen to share their loot with any of the teachers!
 Pirate Stella brought along stories of pirate adventures to fire everyone up and she even had ship sandwiches.
 When Captain McKenzie sailed in after lunch a few of the 
Room 1 pirates were shaking in their boots.
Fortunately for the crew she came armed with stories and gold treasure.

After scrubbing the decks and checking for damage we let those pirates sail away!

International Day Performers

On Monday afternoon many of our Merrin children performed in our International Day concert. We are very proud to have children at our school from 45 different countries.
He iwi tahi tatou.
Together we are one people.
Our talented Kapa Haka group welcomed everyone to the celebration.
 Mia dressed up as a crab. Look at her poppy eyes!
 Mia joined other children to sing a song in Japanese.
 Thank you to their Mums who has taught them a fantastic dance to go along with their crab song.
 Room 6 sang us a beautiful song about all being one big family.
Here is Alan. He joined the Junior Star members of the ESL classes to sing "It's A Small World After All." Alan has a great voice!
We are very proud of you Mia and Alan,

Sunday, April 13, 2014

International Day

What a fabulous day. Room 1 had such a great time celebrating all the cultures at Merrin School.
 Alara got to hold the country sign for Turkey. We thought she was very brave!
 Here are Alan and Seth looking very smart.
 Liesl dressed up in South African colours.
 Here is the long line for New Zealand!
 Sammy helped Tessa to parade around the school.
Doesn't Mia look wonderful in her kimono.
 We had 45 different countries represented!
 Artu lined up with boys from Brazil.
 Bernardo is Artu's Dad. He talked to Room 1 about Brazil. We even found it on a map! 
 Ru talked to us about Japanese origami. We made paper planes.
 Here is Liesl with her Mum Jolene. They brought along some beautiful photos of South African animals.
We had a shared lunch with our parents....gee the food was delicious!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Yesterday we had a visit from Constable Bryan and Police Dog Bobby. They came to talk to us about SNAP (Serial Number Action Plan)
Constable Bryan asked us to record the serial numbers of all our personal possessions on
Then if we loose anything of value the police can help us to get our property back.
They are going to send Merrin School a special code to enable us to enter a draw for $2000!
Keep your eyes posted for this code!

Here is Constable Richard who came to support their message.
He is our school's Police Education Officer.
Thanks for your time!