Monday, February 25, 2013

Welcome to 2013

Thank you to all the wonderful Room 1 families who have returned their permission slips...our 2013 Blog is underway!
We have had an exciting start to the year.
We hope you enjoy reading about the photos below that show you some of the activities that we have been up to...
 Here is Room 1 getting their welcome to Merrin School Certificates.
 Tuscany received the 'STAR Values Award' for having lovely manners.
 Tyler gained an award for being fabulous at discus.
 This week we welcomed Jordyn to our class. He is such a helpful and friendly boy.
Charlotte started school last Thursday. She has such a happy smile and check out her great hair style!
 Klaudia, Tuscany and Neela set up camp in the Room 5 tent.
 Hannah, Penny and Tuscany went to our Discovery Time Cafe to practise talking with friends!
 Here is Annabelle throwing quoits at a target.
 Watch comes Spiderman! Are you under there Tamai?
 Thomas enjoyed playing in the bubbles. What a great boy wearing his sunhat.
 Tyler loved getting the basketball in the hoop.'s pirate Ethan!
Nikau likes to dress up as Woody. He even wrote a story about it!
Ms DR, Mrs Paterson and Mrs Jefferies came and shared iceblocks with us.
Gosh school is fun.
Mrs Bargh is very proud of how we have become school children and she thinks that she has the best class in New Zealand!