Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Hold onto your hats!

This is our favourite group experiment so far. You might like to try it with your family at home...
It's a Gas Gas Gas!

You will need:
· 1 balloon
· measuring cup
· teaspoon
· funnel
· 1 empty plastic bottle (small)
· baking soda
· white vinegar

· What do you think will happen when the baking soda falls into the vinegar? What will
happen to the balloon?

1. Collect a plastic bottle, balloon and funnel.
2. Measure out 1 cup of vinegar and pour into the bottle using a funnel.
3. Measure out 2 tsp of baking soda and pour into the balloon.
4. Twist the balloon closed then stretch the end over the top of the bottle
5. Shake the baking soda into the vinegar. 

Does anything happen?

 Get ready with the vinegar.

 Get set with the baking soda. 

Our 2nd experiment was a "Fizz Test."
This is the equipment we used.
Each group had their own testing sheet. We placed 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in each milk bottle lid.
Then we added different liquids to each lid so they matched the labels.
Here is Jordyn working out if milk will make the baking soda fizz.
Next Annabelle experimented with the lemon juice. Wow..it really fizzed!
Penny's job was to add the vinegar. She giggled when she saw the reaction!
Thomas has became very good at sharing what he sees happening!
Charlotte was in charge of adding the water to the baking soda. She discovered that nothing really happened!
Each group talked about their findings. We are getting really good at being 'Super Scientists.'

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Samoan Week

Talofa and Afio mai. 
This week is Samoan Language Week. Room 1 is listening to some beautiful Samoan music and learning some simple words in Samoan. We are sharing a book called
 "White Sunday in Samoa" by Saron Aiono-Loosefa.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Super Scientists

 Room 1 are learning about practical science. We have been exploring some of the equipment that scientists need to carry out their experiments.
Here is the equipment we gathered to carry out an experiment about bubbles.
Each member of the group takes their turn at doing part of the experiment. The colours on our badges help us to work out when it is our turn.
In our groups we compared corn kernels, raisins and craisins.
Joe discovered that when you put corn kernels in water they just sink to the bottom. 
Nothing much happened!
When we put them in the lemonade they floated up to the top and then sunk back down again. They moved all over the place. We thought that the bubbles in the lemonade stuck to the raisins and craisins and made them move up and down.
In our 2nd experiment we mixed yeast and hydrogen peroxide. Here is Allie adding red food colouring. We did this experiment together because Mrs Bargh had to hold the hydrogen peroxide. Warren likes saying these words!
Charlotte said she could see bubbles and foam. It looked like a really big bubble bath.
Just as well we had a big baking dish to collect all the bubbles because they whooshed out over the side.
In Visual Art we made bubble pictures by painting on to bubble wrap. We then pressed the paint onto paper.
Come and read about our bubble experiments in our 'Inquiry scrapbook.'

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Bubble Trouble

We are very pleased to have Emilie at Merrin School! On her first day at school we explored blowing bubbles.
We all had our own bubble mixture. Mrs Bargh wrote down all the ideas that we had about bubbles.
We are collecting all our wonderings in a special scrapbook. Families might like to read it before school sometime!
As part of our study on bubbles we are going to be working in 'Super Scientist' groups. All the children are in groups of four. Each person has a numbered badge so that they know when it is their turn to help with the experiment.
Room 1 made each of the classes in the 'Junior Stars' a card that explains how to say hello in Slovakian and Indonesian. We wanted to share some of our learning from our Inquiry on 'Cultures Galore.'
Yipee do do day.... Nikau received 'Player of the day' for rugby. We are very proud of him!
On Monday we had some special visitors from the China. They had come to see how a 
New Zealand school works.
They wanted to stay in our room all afternoon! Some of the 'Junior Stars' performed the Ninja dance for our visitors.
At buddy time this week our Room 15 friends showed us how to play some card games.
This is Annabelle playing with her brother Ben and buddy Sara.
Now we have plenty of new games that we can play on a wet lunchtime.
In oral language we are practising listening to a buddy and reporting back on their news.
This week we were learning about the sounds that letters v  and y make. At 'Cafe Time' we had a vegetable platter to taste. 
Room 15 have special 'Kotiritiri Challenges' that they do at home. Jackie chose to make his buddy this gorgeous teddy bear. Jordyn was very excited by Jackie's kind gift!