Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Big Sad Wolf

On Tuesday we had a visit from the 'Playhouse' drama company.Here are some of our stories...
 I went to a show. I liked the Big Sad Wolf. The Big Sad Wolf was very funny! by Emilie
I went to the hall and saw the Big Sad Wolf. It was funny. I laughed when the Wolf blew the man's trousers off! by Stacie
I  liked the part where the Big Sad Wolf blew the Judge's underpants to the floor! by Stacie
I went to see the story of the Big Sad Wolf.  By Ashlyn
It was great to attend the show as a whole school!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Perceptual Motor Programme

Every Monday and Tuesday the children in Room 1 attend P.M.P
 (Perceptual Motor Programme) in the hall. 
The children are in 5 small groups and they rotate around 
5 different activities.
Parent helpers come every morning to help organise one of the different activities. We couldn't run the programme without their very kind help.
Look at how well Tamai and Charlotte are working together!
Some of the activities are designed to develop the children's upper arm strength and 
co-operation skills.
Many of the activities are to help the children practise catching and throwing.
Emilie is watching where the orange arrow is pointing so that she knows in which direction to jump.
The equipment was purchased by our school P.T.A. One of the children's favourite activities is to complete the obstacle courses that use wooden boxes, the ladder and platform.
During every session the children practise eye tracking exercises on the stage.
It is wonderful to see how the children's confidence has really developed with using the equipment. Look at Thomas!
This activity involves throwing beanbags into the hoops to help the children develop their 
Hannah and Jordyn are practising balancing skills.
 This programme is a great way to work on developing the children's fitness!
 Each week one of the activities is designed to help the children work on their 
hand-eye co-ordination.
P.M.P is one of our favourite school activities!
We wish you a wonderful weekend!