Friday, July 25, 2014

Buddy Time with Room 19

Room 19 has asked us to be there buddy class! Becky Harris is their lovely teacher.
They came to meet us for the first time on Wednesday. We spent some time getting to know each other. Rooms 1 and 19 are going to meet every fortnight.
Maddy and Caitlin enjoyed talking about their favourite foods.
Here is Amelia with Woojin. They found out about each other's favourite colour.
Stella is buddied up with Aaliyah and Riley. 
We interviewed our buddies and they help us to write down the answers.
We are making these pages in to a special book.
Our buddies are very friendly and they can help us with our school work!
We look forward to doing all sorts of exciting activities with them. Next time we are going to work together on the ipads.
This week we were studying the letter 'c' and the 'ay' word family.
Here we are having "c c c cupcakes". Thanks Ange!

Term 2 Assembly -Celebration Photos

If you would like to see our photos from the end of term assembly, please follow the link below...