Friday, July 27, 2012

Week 2...What has been happening?

For this entry we thought that we would share some of the different events that have been happening in Room 1 this week. 
We are very excited to have Isha and Sophie join our class.
We now have 9 girls and 9 boys.
Here are some of this week's adventures...

In April we visited Ms Dillon-Roberts in her office to ask if we could have an ipad. She had let us use her ipad from home and we loved all the different games and activities. We really enjoyed listening to her cool music.Ms D-R said that she would try and get us one this year. We gave her our best smiles!
You can imagine how excited we were when on Tuesday she arrived with our new ipad. We have used it every day since.
Isha's Mum and Dad bought a cake to school so that we could celebrate Isha being a big school girl.
On Wednesday we made traffic light sandwiches for cafe time. We had tomato for the red light, cheese for the amber light and lettuce for the green light. Jonathan was not keen to try the tomato but when he did he said it was delicious.
Bobby always has lovely manners when he visits the cafe. Come again Bobby!
At maths time we are looking at shapes. Sophie made a square out of wine gums and toothpicks.
Luciano and Jessica made a triangle and then a square. Their group counted the corners and the sides.
On Thursday our pupil council children organised a pyjama day. We found them very comfortable.
Mrs Bull showed us some photos she took on her trip to the 
Boltic. She has many photos of castles and people in  their
national costumes.
A.J. received a Values Certificate for having a  'Creative Mind.' He always asks interesting questions.
On Friday we had an 'Earthquake Drill.' We practised getting into a turtle. Room 1 children then line up and walk out to the back field.
At Discovery Time we went and picked broccoli from our Whetu Gardens.
We washed the broccoli and then we tried a piece. Sophie said it was very crunchy.
Dylan tried his broccoli with onion dip. He said it was the first time that he has ever eaten broccoli and liked it!
At Assembly on Friday Will got his first 'Good Work Certificate.' He has learnt all his first 5 reading words. Great job Will!
Friday afternoon we tried an experiment with pipe cleaners and a magnet. Samantha could make the pipe cleaners move up and down. We have put the equipment on our Science table. Come and have a try!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Carnation Experiment

This term Room 1 is doing some work on 'I am a Scientist.'
We have talked about what we think Science is and what we think a Scientist does. Some of our ideas are recorded in our class study book. You can read it when you visit Room1.

Today we did our first experiment.

 Mrs Coker bought us some beautiful white carnations. For 'Thinking Thursday' we decided to see what would happen if we put the flowers in coloured water.

We needed some special equipment. We used test tubes, water, food colouring and some flowers.
 Samantha and Fiona put some water in the test tube.
 Luciano helped Ronan to add blue colouring to the water.
 Saya and Jonathan used red food colouring.
 Bobby and Dylan wondered what would happen to the flower in the yellow food colouring.
 Jessica and William poured in the green colour. They had fun mixing it!
At first nothing happened....
We wonder what will happen if we just leave the flowers in the food colouring. What do you think?.....

Monday, July 2, 2012

Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!

This term we have been looking at different jobs. We have loved having the Room 1 parents coming to visit us to talk about their jobs. The children have had a great time writing about all the things that they have learnt.
Thank you to these wonderful parents for giving up their time.

Natalie is a make-up artist. She studied in Auckland for 2 years.
 Bobby did a great job of introducing his mum.
We were really interested in all the exciting things she keeps in her make-up box!
A.J's dad is a Sales Manager for Watties. We wrote down the questions that we wanted to ask him.
We learnt that some of the food is put in a can and then it is cooked. Paul is a very busy man!
 Dylan's mum came to talk about being a student. Jennifer is training to work with people.
She is hoping to be finished by next year. We thought all her study books looked very heavy!
 Neil is an Intensive Care doctor. He has studied for 12 years. If Room 1 children started now they would be 17 by the time they finished!
 Jessica tried out Neil's stethoscope. 
 We all tried on a mask and hats. What a handsome class we make!
Archie and Neil brought in some great photos of Neil's work that we displayed in the classroom. We especially liked Neil's photos of his work as a flying doctor.
Thanks Neil for the lion photo-Room 1 loved it!