Monday, May 7, 2012

 Inmi brought in their puppies to show us. We thought they were very cute. The puppies wanted to get out of their box and explore Room 1!
Here are the stories that the children wrote about the puppies...
 I liked Danielle's puppies. They felt soft.  by Bobby
 I liked holding the puppies.  by Katelyn
 I liked the puppies. They felt very soft.  by Shoka
 The puppies kept moving.  by Jonathan
 I liked holding the puppies.  by Jessica
 I liked patting the puppies. They were biting me.  by Dylan
 The puppies tried to get out of the box.  by Archie
 I liked holding the puppy. He was soft.  by A.J
 My Mum brought the puppies to school. We have five puppies.  by Danielle
I patted a girl puppy. Danielle is selling the puppies.  by Saya

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